Un gioco incentrato sull’esplorazione, in cui la storia di una città abbandonata si dipanerà man mano che ci si addentrerà nei suoi meandri.

QuoteThe Old City: Leviathan is an experiment in first person exploration that focuses entirely on story.

Everything else is secondary. All that exists is you and the world. Set in a decaying city from a civilization long past, The Old City: Leviathan puts the player in the shoes of a sewer dwelling isolationist. You progress through the narrative by simply exploring the world. The story itself is told via the musings of your character and, chiefly, the environment itself. This environment has been designed to be diverse, interesting, and meaningful to the narrative of the game. Our nameless protagonist’s perspective has been unfolded before you in the form of a visualized landscape of ideas painting his universe and dreams painting his mind.

The objective is to understand. The story of The Old City: Leviathan is not told in a traditional manner. As you progress through the narrative, you will overhear a conversation between two entities. The first entity is the nameless character you are controlling who communicates through a monologue. The second entity is the depths of the environment, details and all. Your task is to piece together the narrative as if you are jumping into a conversation with no context. The more you explore, the more you will potentially understand.

Si potrà scegliere di andare avanti dritto oppure di esplorare tutti gli anfratti, in modo da sviscerare in maniera più esaustiva la storia:

QuotePlayers have the option to simply walk from start to finish, but the real meat of the game lies in the hidden nooks and crannies of the world; in secret areas, behind closed doors, and in a 30,000 word novella that reveals itself as the game progresses.

La durata stimata sarà di cinque ore, e la pubblicazione è prevista per la fine del 2014 (quindi ci siamo, no?):

QuoteUp to five hours long in its own right, The Old City: Leviathan is the first part of a larger story, and is set to be released late in 2014.

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